Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Men in Black 3

    So, this weekend, after work and what not, I plan on seeing the movie, Men in Black 3, and I for one, can NOT WAIT!! From what I hear of the critics review and the fans overall review, the movie was beyond extraordinary. I wouldn't doubt it becasue, HELLLOOOOOO....PEOPLE, are we forgetting that the main character Agent Jay, is played by my favorite male actor of all time, WILL to the SMITH!!! You know, guy who played the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air back in his glory days.

 I have nothing but the high esteem for the main main who got me into sitcom TV growing up. Anyway, the movie is suppose to be about jay going back in time to rescue Kay from some doped up alient trying to go all SHOW GUN ASSASSIN on his behind. I like the plotline already. The other two prequels, Men in Black 1 and Men in Black 2, where HILARIOUS. And it didn't heart that back in the day, the young Will Smith was 'ME CALIENTE!' And Tommy Lee Jones is a cool dude as well. I know that he is like 60, but he is still a great actor.
      The first Men in Black came out in like the 90's. I think it was around 1997. I was like still in my toddler years by then. Jeez, why do I seem old? I didn't see the hit movie til like eight eight years later, and let me tell you, the movie didn't dissapoint. I know the whole alien thing is yet to be determined and many people actually beleive in that sort of thing (hey more power to them), but the plotline did have it's appeal even for the non-believers. Watching Will do his thing, and Lee follow, is beyond appealing. I swear, will could act with the phonebook and still make it a top hit. He is essentialy THE MAN, when it comes to taking on a male lead for a movie. And I'm sure his kids will follow in daddies footsteps sooner than later.

Fingers crossed to all you movie lovers out there, for this movie to be a success like the other tow before it!

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises..

I think this movie will have to be the most anticpiated movie ever...for me at least. The plot line is suppose to take place some eight years after the last one. Now, you have to remember that Batman takes the rap for the latest villian's crimes. Why he did such a thing, I will nver know? I guess having Batman be a man of honor, not jsut steal and wings, is what the writers were aiming for. Anyway, the rumor is a new terrorist takes the fold and Batman resurfaces to watch over the very city that has condenmend him as the villian. I have my fingers crossed that Christopher Nolan will work his magic, and pull of yet another successful marvel studio masterpiece. Who could ever forget his last Dark Knight film? OMG, it said on the cover, prepare to be wowed...and boy was I WOWED!! Maybe it was the phenomonal potrayal by the late Heath Ledger, (may he rest in peace) as the Joker, or the heartborken character of Harvey Dent, or even raw perfomance made Christian Bale on his Batman charater, that made me a fan. You know those movies that just do it for you, no questions asked, and are forever footnotes into your souls, well this movie did that for me. I came, I saw, and I fell, feet foward, into a world of comic book marvel mania. I was never a fan of Batman, until that movie. I wasn't even aware of the awesomeness that wad the Joker either...Sad, I know...I am most looking foward to seeing Anne Hathaways portrayal of Cat Woman, only becasue I've ever known her to starr in light hearted, medium paced movies, for the faint of heart. They were filled with drama, and love. So it will be interesting that is for sure.But if wish long and hard enough, and my expectations are blown away like they were before, then the sequel to the Dark Knight shall be forever a permaneant fixture into marvel cinema history. FINGERS CROSSED!!!